Interrogating life.

There are days when i face emotional setbacks and i don’t know where to go. Today i was talking with my friends as to how far we have to go to end this suffering, how hard do we hold on and what do we hold on to? There was nothing we could come up with and we were all kind of frustrated and pretty much devastated about the situation we were into. Suddenly the car keys slips out of friend’s hand and ends up in a sewer. That was like the cherry on the cake! We were stuck in the middle of nowhere with our keys stuck in a little sewer and the openings were so narrow that we couldn’t put our hands into it. As a very frustrated human being, my friend started crying and questioning as to why everything in her life was falling apart, nothing was going right. We were analysing of what we could do to get out of this impossible situation. We were really hopeless but my friend (who lost her keys) was really desperate to get the keys out, so she tried her last shot and got herself a twig and started poking the keys to somehow lift it up. My other friend and me were quite confident as to why the twig thing was not helpful although we were supporting the act. A man stopped by us and noticed what we were doing and then he asked us what went wrong so we told him the story. He offered us help so we accepted that. He went pass by the tree and broke the thinnest twig and rolled the end into a knot that could fit the keychain of the keys. He inserted that into the sewer hole and after few attempts he managed to get our keys out. We were all taken aback! We started thanking him and he just kept murming ‘God is great’ and then he left. I was wondering that such people really restore my faith in humanity. A complete stranger helps us out of a situation we nearly thought as impossible. 

That was the moment when i realised that i got my answers to the questions i asked before. How far do we have to go to end the suffering? We have to go to as far as we can, as far as we get kicked in a curb full of dirt, as far as we have the strength to live the hard days. How hard do we hold on? We hold on until we don’t lift ourselves from the tragedy. What do we hold on to? We hold on to the possibilities our life offer to us because ‘God is great’. 

People we meet cross our paths for this very reason, they are nothing but a mere medium for answers. Life will revert back to your questions. Go look for your answers, my friend!


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